Sunday, September 5, 2010

Heyy Guys It's Sunday!!!!!!

Soo i've been going to the fair alll week and i am all fair out and ready for school to start!!! yeah thats right i havent strated school yet hahaha!!!!! This my friends are in band and im in chior so thats gatta change next year!!! lol need my friends NOW!!!!!!!!

Monday, April 19, 2010

heyy guys it's monday!!!!!!!!!!!(again.....)

im ttly bored soo im doing this (watever this is).

Monday, April 12, 2010

heyy guys it's monday!!!!!!!!!!!

well mondays generally suck for me bat idk this kinda rocks!?!?!? i dont no y or anything but heyy ill take that compared to a regular monday anyday.!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Heyy! Just in case some one missed me.......

heyy, i know how much you all missed me sooo... tah~dah here i am!!!!!!! so far everythings going ok nothing to good but nothing to bad either soo nothing to complain about except brodem that is!!!! lol HAHAHA!!!!

Monday, March 23, 2009

In tah morning

OK, I woke up this morning and I ... oh wait drum rol plez(drum roll) Haz a two hour delay!!
And so I can ponder teh world and do ya know what( this is where you yell 'what' so loud that Ican hear you tehe ) and do know what i found out in this pondering? That this worlis (enter swear word of your choice here) up. SO bad. thats mi morning ponder weeeeeeeee

Sunday, March 22, 2009

random poetry

This is Me

By: you no who

This is NOT how I really feel

I’m just bored

I am the newborn dog, scared and alone

I am the kitten in a box, lost with no home

I am the lightning struck tree, broken in two

I am the beaten dog, scared and forgotten

I am in love with some one who can’t love me back

I am scarred and forgotten

I am broken in two

I am lost with no home

I am scared and alone

So if you see me walking by

Please don’t take away all have left

My dignity

Movie review!!: Paul Blart mall cop

Ok so I saw mall cop with a guy friend (NOT BOYFRIEND! I know what you're thinking. naughty naughty ) from karate and ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
it's good. REALLY funny!! An easy to fiugre out plot though but teh funny-ness makes up for it!

About Me

My photo
i have brown hair, green eyes, and i'm of an average hight. oh yeah and i have glasses!!